Nagasaki hikari food sticks ?
hikari food sticks ?
Hey everyone,For all the people who feed Hikari food sticks to their aros.Did feeding food sticks slow down the growth rate?Does it help in enhancing colour?I have kept my RTG on strict Hikari food sticks diet.
Please reply.
Pellets are proven to be good for growth and colour.
but depends on the fish.
cichlids are easy to have vibrant colour, they tend to translate vitamins and minerals eaten to colour on scales...
such as parrots, can get very red with heavy red colourant containing food..
but arowanas i think differ slightly, arowanas are closer to salmon when it comes to redness.
salmon in farms are fed heavy shrimp and astaxanthin containing foods...
this doesnt make them bright red, this makes their meat bright pink/red.
also flavour.
in arowanas, i believe feeding lots of colourants - natural colourants doesnt always work, i believe genetics that dictate how and where the colourant goes to such as the scales is key. so good bloodline.
i would say genetics is a vast majority of the cause of rcolour in arowana, not food.
but food helps too, also health.
hikari sticks are very good, the best in my opinion, i have never used food as good as hikari.
growth from hikari is extreme.
but, with arowanas, i have had arowanas eat pellets too and their growth isnt always the best wtih pellts only.
i found a mix of pellets, meaty foods and live insects/fish is the best... i averaged 1.25inches a month growth with my arowanas.
example of my diet:
30% pellets, 40%meaty foods like prawns with shell, the rest is live insects and fish.
now i breed mealworms, i use mealworms as a staple for my arowanas wtih a heavy gut load of pellets, hikari pellets (*massivore and jumbo sticks)
but i am trying to transition my arowana back to eating prawns
>true , but my arrowana cant eat a mixture , once i feed live , it takes them a while to switch to MP or sticks
>Originally Posted by pokka true , but my arrowana cant eat a mixture , once i feed live , it takes them a while to switch to MP or sticks Bro, I fully agreed with bro henwards statement / discussion.
A variety of food for your Aro will be the best, I feed sw/mw, yes, when I switch back to mp, it doesnt eat, but I still feed the mp, as the other tankmates need to feed too. After awhile, your Aro will go back to these mp or sticks as they will get hungry, fasting for a short period for Aro is okay.
>Hi bros,
Just sharing about my 15" xb which used to take mp with shell by previous owner, after I takeover, I feed BF for a few months and then after, refuse to take mp anymore.
Recently, I decided to change its diet.
So after straving this xb for almost 2 weeks, it started to take mp again but only 1 to 3 small pieces per meal.
And now, this xb even started to take pellets which to my surprise (sinking carnivore pellets).
Basically, I only feed my xb once at nite; for mon, wed fri = pellets while tues thurs = mp.
>I feed my aro 3 fishball noodles per day .. breakfast lunch and dinner... big eater
>Originally Posted by Julian Lee I feed my aro 3 fishball noodles per day .. breakfast lunch and dinner... big eater really, you feed noodles and fish ball to your arowana?
that contains little to no nutrients!
>I feed a mixture of hikari Arowana sticks and MP. strictly no live feed for my arowanas. The growth has been good.
>Originally Posted by Julian Lee I feed my aro 3 fishball noodles per day .. breakfast lunch and dinner... big eater Hahahaha! I hope you are kidding. Anyway i really have to know how you guys get your arowana to take pellets!
>Originally Posted by kree_dnet Hahahaha! I hope you are kidding. Anyway i really have to know how you guys get your arowana to take pellets! Sometimes neve is forever. Really depend on individual aro. Starving aro till skinny also heartache. Good opportunity may during change of envoroment like change new tank o pond,
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