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Author: Time:2022-01-1273 second

Information summary:  Thanks _ Prize has been receivedThank you Mr. Cai, thank you for the prize in Menggier, Guangdong========How did the fish friends of the Xianglong Aquatic All...., red chili, top 10 japan.Thanks _ Prize has been received

  Thanks _ Prize has been receivedThank you Mr. Cai, thank you for the prize in Menggier, Guangdong
========How did the fish friends of the Xianglong Aquatic Alliance comment==
Guangdong Mungil Technology Co., Ltd. Yuyou said: Thank you brotherCan silver arowana be polycultured"Can Arowana be mixed with koi fish?~Raise a few koi fish in a 1.2-meter fish tank(Save koi and dragon fish to save money@Raising koi or dragon fish$Vintage uk250 and longjia%How to raise koi in fish tankThe difference between filtering koi and arowana% Hodh ech-Chargui Fish