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arowana red Three newly entered Indonesian three-pattern tigers died two early next morning

Author: Time:2021-12-1540 second

Information summary:  本人在沈阳 从广州鱼商买了三条明虎 8-10cm 中午去机场取的鱼 1个小时开回家 开箱后三条已经全黑了 但状态还好 泡缸加3次过水一共不到两个小时 然后入缸 刚入缸就趴缸 嘴亲吻鱼缸底部 然后躲在过滤桶边上待着 当时有点紧张 下了点黄粉和海盐 考虑可能是因为不适应的原因 第二天一早起来发现两只已经挂了 另外一只状...., redgoldleaf, australian有复数吗.arowana red Three newly entered Indonesian three-pattern tigers died two early next morning

  本人在沈阳 从广州鱼商买了三条明虎 8-10cm 中午去机场取的鱼 1个小时开回家 开箱后三条已经全黑了 但状态还好 泡缸加3次过水一共不到两个小时 然后入缸 刚入缸就趴缸 嘴亲吻鱼缸底部 然后躲在过滤桶边上待着 当时有点紧张 下了点黄粉和海盐 考虑可能是因为不适应的原因 第二天一早起来发现两只已经挂了 另外一只状态还可以 逐渐明了 就是文理不是很清晰(缸子是新开的 之前用的帝王三间和银龙闯的缸 10天 水清 鱼的状态也很好 水温保持在29度左右 才入的虎)个人怀疑是水的问题 不过之前的闯缸鱼状态确实很好 游动自如 能吃能拉的,而且水也比较清! Why do you want to ask the gods to kill two fish?thank!

  = (Comments from Xianglong Aquatic Alliance Fish Friends) =

  Zoran Say: Its better to return the fish just back to the small tank to keep it well.
Yuyou Liangziqq0003 Say: It took less than two hours to pass the water?How can I really toss.I usually even put the bag in the tank and soak it for 20-30 minutes.
Yuyou13980929039 Say: Lets die
Yuyou fisherman!!arowana red Say: 1 Dont administer medicine, the water quality is okay, just explode oxygen
Yuyou, your smile makes me feel Say: Halo, what do you do?
Yuyu Pudding Jelly Say: Whats wrong with yellow powder?If the nitrification system is not fully established, yellow powder will be used. Do you know that yellow powder will destroy nitrifying bacteria?
Yuyu Pudding Jelly Say: Its a pity that two good three essays, with thick lines or knife lines, have paid a lot of tuition this time
Yuyou Shrimp 007 Say: This medicine works well,
Fish fish Say: Halo, too long to pass waternearme笔记初始密码toySichuan Golden Dragon Bait Co., Ltd. official website$How about golden dragon fish bait wild fishing$Is Golden Dragon bait really easy to use?!How to do creative and magic brown bear feedCarassius auratus%Arowana opening mix%Golden Dragon Bait^How about Golden Dragon Bait( Fisharowana red Three newly entered Indonesian three-pattern tigers died two early next morning?